Course FAQ's
  • How will I take my class?
    Your class will be presented in an easy online format that you may complete in the comfort of your own home.

  • How long is the class?
    6-hours; however, you may log on and off during the class. You may choose to complete the class in one day or complete over time, at your own pace.

  • How much will my insurance discount?
    We strongly suggest that you contact your insurance provider to obtain information regarding the exact discount amount. The state requires that you receive a discount from your provider; however, the exact amount of the discount is up to the individual provider’s discretion.

  • Will there be a test at the end of my course?
    Yes, there is an open book test at the end of the course. The state requires that you obtain a score of 81% in order to successfully complete the course. If you do not obtain the required minimum score on your test, you may take it again as many times as needed.

  • How will my insurance provider know that I completed the course?
    If you are a Geico customer, we will electronically notify them of your completion. With other insurance providers, we would recommend that you send them a copy of your completion certificate.

  • How long will my insurance discount last?
    3 years. At the end of the third year, you will need to re-register and complete the course again to maintain the discount.

  • When will I receive my certificate of completion?
    At the end of your course, after completing the final test, you will be able to print your certificate of completion.